The first in the ‘Lucy Morgan Adventure Stories’
for Ages 8-12
Eye of the Turtle
In the first of a series of adventure stories eleven-year-old Lucy is moving away from everything she has ever known. The
Caribbean is a long way from London, but she soon finds friends Jack and Solomon, who introduce her to the beach and the
ocean’s wondrous creatures. As Lucy finds out, there are serious threats to the ocean environment and mitigating that danger
leads her to find the courage to learn new skills and brave the ocean deep, which, of course, just might be full of sea monsters!
‘Originality – This is an exciting story with a twist. You can learn real scientific facts and understand more about keeping
the oceans healthy, as well as reading a really good adventure.’ (Booklife Review)
‘Lucy is a girl who never gives up her fight for what she believes in. She shows we can make adults aware of problems and children can make a difference to the planet.’ Esme (age 9)
Scientist, Author and Presenter, Gloria is also a master scuba diver, sailor, and filmmaker. She takes a video camera underwater when diving, and enjoys editing her original films of bizarre and fascinating marine life. She has worked as a science educator, consultant, and educational advisor – helping to train science teachers how to teach ‘exciting science’. Gloria now travels the world lecturing and teaching young and old about our incredible planet and its amazing sea life. In her non-fiction book “The Amazing World Beneath the Waves”, Gloria shares her enthusiasm and love of the sea and explains the world of oceanography in terms accessible to the general reader. The book contains wonderful photographs and gives readers an insight into the fascinating underwater world of our planet’s oceans.
Her first, in a planned series of, fiction books for ages 8-12 is ‘Eye of the Turtle’ and was published on 4th January 2020. The second book in this series is the Secrets of the Shallows and was published at the end of June 2020. The third book ‘The Hidden Cave’ was published in October 2020.
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