Whenever people talk about climate change they speak as if the Planet is going to be catastrophically changed.
However, this is not the case. The Earth has existed for over 4.6 billion years (that’s a very long time) and over that time the Earth has already changed many times – even at one time being called Snowball Earth – as it was a frozen planet. But Earth, the planet, always survives the different shades of green or blue or white – and all it takes is time to change its face.
When humans talk about climate change being the ‘end of the world’ … that is not true. What will happen is not the physical end of our planet … the climate change problems that we are all facing now will not destroy our planet.
However, climate change will destroy all life on Earth!
The understanding that humans are responsible for climate change is often denied but the truth as shown in charts and data produced by top scientists is that the effects of burning fossil fuels are to blame.
Humans need to stop telling themselves, ‘that’s not affecting me – someone else will deal with it’. If we were to stop saying that climate change is damaging the planet and concentrate on the phrase ‘ climate change is killing all life on Earth’ then perhaps more people would take notice. Perhaps more people would unite to change human activities … more people would consider reducing their carbon footprint.
Industrial activities from burning fossil fuels have created excess carbon dioxide and heat, changing the climate around the world. Humans are also burning down rain forests and hurling chemicals into the atmosphere in a race for unjustifiable economic growth, putting ‘business’ and money before life.
(Just ask the indigenous tribes of the Amazon.)
The facts:
Heat, produced by climate change, is destroying coral reefs around the world, will lead to sea-level rises when the polar regions melt and is responsible for hurricane formation. Heat affects human living space and those animals which live on land.
Carbon dioxide, increased by industrial processes, has already been absorbed into oceans, turning them acidic and thus threatening all life in the seas.
All forms of life on Earth rely on oxygen – oxygen produced by photosynthesis. Oxygen in the atmosphere will decrease as plankton in the ocean die due to acidity.
(Did you know that plankton and seagrass produce over 80% of the Earth’s oxygen! Rain forests and plants on land produce 20%)
Climate change is about killing all life on Earth – and humans will not be exempt. Without oxygen, humans will become extinct too. All life on Earth, which has taken millions of years to evolve, will become extinct. Mass extinction of all life on Earth. Start saying it to yourself, consider what this all means?
After humans have gone, it might take a few million years for the Earth to recover from the excess heat and carbon dioxide that have been spit into the atmosphere, but recover it will. Who can imagine what will happen to the Blue Planet after humans have committed mass extinction for themselves?
Planet Earth will still exist – but life on Earth – will not!
Isn’t it about time we thought more carefully about the future of life on Earth and take action to change our lives?