
1. Weird Fish Lady 'Zoom' School Visits.
2. Resources for Primary Teachers:
(for KS1 and KS2 - ages 5-13+).
3. Non-Fiction Books for all ages
4. Fictional Books:
Storytime books for little people (ages 3-6)
and Adventure stories children aged 8 to 13+ years old.

Weird Fish LadyTeachers’ Resources .

Weird Fish LadyTeachers’ Resource 

1. Ocean World Project  –

Lesson One

‘Where on Earth are the Oceans?

Downloadable  direct to your Computer

Coming Soon

Get a download of this exciting Teachers’ Resource direct to your computer.    Go to the Shop  and order the first in the series of 8 seperate lessons in this topic. 

Coming Soon

Weird Fish LadyTeachers’ Resource 

1. Ocean World Project  –

Lesson Two

‘Exploring the Oceans’

Coming Soon

Downloadable  direct to your Computer

Exciting Teachers’ Resources coming soon

Watch this space 

Breaking News

Why not start your school year with an exciting visit from the Weird Fish Lady? 

Topic  1.Ocean Environment & Ocean Creature or

Topic. 2. An ‘Author themed’ visit

Invite the ‘Weird Fish Lady’ into your school for a  Zoom visit  and get a

Special gift of some of Gloria’s books

free with visits in January and February 2025  

Contact me at: gloria.barnettauthor.co.uk

to discuss the requirements for your school, get a quote for your schools’ ‘individualised’ visit

and learn what to expect from a WeirdFish Lady visit.

Weird Fish Lady ‘Ocean themed’ zoom visits help with your science week or environmental project on oceans … and can include a school assembly as well as class-based activities.

I also do author-based Zoom visits to Years 5 and 6 in UK Primary Schools – encouraging students to improve their literacy and write their own fabulous stories.  

There are different sessions available for different age groups. Using ZOOM  – these virtual visits can take place all around the UK, or overseas … I’ve recently done three visits to Dubai … where I spoke to between 300 and 700 children at a time about sea life !

My visits are available throughout the year. Contact me at


to discuss the requirements for your school and get a quote for your schools’ ‘individualised’ visit. 

Choose between a Science or an Author visit – or apply for two separate visits to cover both subject areas. 

Following my Weird Fish Lady visit  in October 2023 to a school in Kent I received this e-mail …

‘Hi Gloria,

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your sessions yesterday! The children and teachers really enjoyed it and they all learned a lot. They were so excited about the books and posters too, thank you so much for gifting those to the school.’

‘Anna” School Leader – Reading


‘I’ve recommended Gloria’s zoom visits to a number of schools. I know how inspiring she is and how much the schools appreciate and enjoy her visits.’


   Assistant Coordinator Rotary Zone 19.

REVIEW of a Weird Fish Lady visit:

‘Thank you SO much for giving us all the most wonderful afternoon today – we all loved it and the children were so interested and got so much from your Talk and Videos.  They simply loved hearing your answers to all their questions. 

Many thanks for taking time to do this for us.  It was such a super afternoon and tied in so well with this term’s Topic, ‘The Environment’.

We would love to have you back to talk to us in the future.’

S. Robertson (Teacher i/c Junior School. Aberdeen )


When you sign up for a visit from the Weird Fish Lady – you will  also be able to take advantage of 

special prices for bulk buy orders of ocean-themed books, Teacher Resources for  schools or a Sample Book Pack.

Sample Book pack includes non-fiction Guide to the Oceans, Logan the Lobster (for 3-6 yrs) and Eye of the Turtle (for 8-13 years) – the first in a series of adventure stories with a science twist. 



A BIG THANK YOU to all the schools I’ve visited by zoom for making me feel so welcome. I’ve enjoyed being with you and am so pleased you have all enjoyed my visits.

I’m loving the images you’ve all sent to me!

Schools – Bulk Buying Opportunities

If you are looking to bulk buy our  books and resources for primary schools in the UK. 

Get in touch with our team by email (see top of this page) for individual bulk order requirements. We’re happy to give you the best possible prices.

We are constantly adding new titles to our published resources so contact us to organise your ‘mix and match’ choices!